Shelters are often inundated with pet surrenders, and do not want to provide a simple outlet that takes away the obligation of responsible pet ownership. Therefore, they would prefer that people try hard to find a solution before resorting to surrendering their pet to a shelter. If you must find a new home for a pet, please try posting to our adoption portal before placing the burden on the shelter. Direct adoptions work well and allow everyone to share in the accountability of their community!
No-kill shelters do wonderful work, but as a result, are often inundated with pet surrenders. In the unfortunate scenario that you have to find a new home for your pet, please read through the rehoming solution and articles on this page before contacting the shelter.
Comprehensive Adoption Programs1average
posted by (empty name),
on 2014-11-19 19:37:55
I adopted a puppy one week ago from Pawsitive. I was told he was healthy, dewormed and had DH2PP vaccination. Within minutes of him arriving, I realized he was infested with fleas. Within 4 days, he was very sick, uncontrollable vomiting and bloody diarrhea . When I brought him to the vet I was told he was infected with Parvo and worms (both of which adoption center claimed he was vaccinated for. My puppy is now clinging to his life and not likely to make it. This adoption center brought my puppy with 16 other puppies in the same vehicle. Parvo is extremely contagious. My vet tried to contact Pawsitive because she felt the adoption center needed to be shut down and quarantined and all the other families that received dogs that were in the same vehicle should be notified. I also tried to call. No one answers and no one returns our calls. I went on their Facebook page and found another family who also adopted a puppy the same week I did who died from Parvo. That family urged anyone else who adopted from Pawsitive have their puppy tested. I posted the same information. All of our comments were taken down by Pawsitive. I am very upset that Pawsitive does not care enough to at least return our phone calls and do something to stop the spread of this virus and heartbreak to other families. As of now they are still posting dogs for adoption on their website.
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IMPORTANT: This form is only for public comments about the shelter. To contact PAWSITIVE Adoption Center (Adamsville), please go directly to their website (link on previous page), this form will not send your comment to them.