Shelters are often inundated with pet surrenders, and do not want to provide a simple outlet that takes away the obligation of responsible pet ownership. Therefore, they would prefer that people try hard to find a solution before resorting to surrendering their pet to a shelter. If you must find a new home for a pet, please try posting to our adoption portal before placing the burden on the shelter. Direct adoptions work well and allow everyone to share in the accountability of their community!
No-kill shelters do wonderful work, but as a result, are often inundated with pet surrenders. In the unfortunate scenario that you have to find a new home for your pet, please read through the rehoming solution and articles on this page before contacting the shelter.
High-Volume, Low-Cost Spay/Neuter5average
posted by Iammae8,
on 2013-07-30 02:43:55
Our LOW COST spay neuter is located at the Humane Society Adoption Center at:
950 Hal Henard Rd.
Greeneville, TN.
Call for an appointment - 423-639-7949
Post your comment on Greeneville Greene County Humane Society
IMPORTANT: This form is only for public comments about the shelter. To contact Greeneville Greene County Humane Society, please go directly to their website (link on previous page), this form will not send your comment to them.
I am trying to find out who to contact for cruelty to dogs in Greenville, TN. I have been to this person's house and have seen several dogs in very very bad conditions! Left in small cages, in their own urine and stools! Skinny! Please contact me to let me know.
I know aam in Hawkins co whom has seven dogs a few are in real bad condition on is chewing her own foot off I tried to call the human society here in Hawkins co they said they could do morning his name is paul lean he lives at 119 Mitchell loop rogersville these dogs are in exstream need of help another on coughs like it smokes he had one he hit with his truck dragging it legs around for months till it passed away another on lives in a little dog cage and is very aggressive I would think from loveing in the cage but my biggest concern is for the one who is chewing her own foot off
posted by JustineVillatorres,
on 2016-04-05 18:11:04