Dog and Cat adoption in Tulsa, Oklahoma

adoptable Dog in tulsa, OK named KINGSLEY
Male Dog for adoption
Breed: Pit Bull Terrier / Mixed (short coat)
adoptable Dog in tulsa, OK named LADY
Female Dog for adoption
Breed: Pit Bull Terrier / Mixed (short coat)
adoptable Dog in tulsa, OK named LASSIE
Female Dog for adoption
Breed: Siberian Husky / Mixed (short coat)
adoptable Dog in tulsa, OK named LIL BEAR
Male Dog for adoption
Breed: Pit Bull Terrier / Mixed (short coat)
adoptable Cat in tulsa, OK named LILLIE
Female Cat for adoption
Breed: Domestic Short Hair (short coat)
adoptable Dog in tulsa, OK named LILLY
Female Dog for adoption
Breed: Queensland Heeler / Mixed (short coat)
adoptable Dog in tulsa, OK named LILY
Female Dog for adoption
Breed: Collie (long coat)
adoptable Dog in tulsa, OK named LOLA
Female Dog for adoption
Breed: Pit Bull Terrier (short coat)
adoptable Dog in tulsa, OK named LOUIE
Male Dog for adoption
Breed: Chihuahua / Mixed (medium coat)
adoptable Cat in tulsa, OK named MADDIE
Female Cat for adoption
Breed: Domestic Short Hair (short coat)
adoptable Dog in tulsa, OK named MAE
Female Dog for adoption
Breed: German Shepherd Dog (medium coat)
adoptable Dog in tulsa, OK named MAX
Male Dog for adoption
Breed: Pit Bull Terrier / Mixed (short coat)
adoptable Dog in tulsa, OK named MEATBALL
Male Dog for adoption
Breed: American Pit Bull Terrier / Mixed (short coat)
adoptable Dog in tulsa, OK named MEMPHIS
Male Dog for adoption
Breed: Pit Bull Terrier / Mixed (short coat)
adoptable Dog in tulsa, OK named MIKE
Male Dog for adoption
Breed: Cairn Terrier / Mixed (medium coat)

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