Dog and Cat adoption in Tulsa, Oklahoma

adoptable Dog in tulsa, OK named GLENN
Male Dog for adoption
Breed: Pit Bull Terrier / Mixed (short coat)
adoptable Dog in tulsa, OK named GUY
Male Dog for adoption
Breed: Pit Bull Terrier / Mixed (short coat)
adoptable Dog in tulsa, OK named HARPER
Female Dog for adoption
Breed: Pit Bull Terrier (short coat)
adoptable Dog in tulsa, OK named HARVEY
Male Dog for adoption
Breed: Pit Bull Terrier / Mixed (short coat)
adoptable Dog in tulsa, OK named HARVEY
Male Dog for adoption
Breed: Pit Bull Terrier / Mixed (short coat)
adoptable Cat in tulsa, OK named Havi
Male Cat for adoption
Breed: Tabby (short coat)
Better picture later this week. Havi is an extra large brown tabby male who came to us weighing 17.6 lbs., but ...
adoptable Dog in tulsa, OK named HONEY
Female Dog for adoption
Breed: Pit Bull Terrier / Mixed (short coat)
adoptable Dog in tulsa, OK named INKY
Female Dog for adoption
Breed: Pit Bull Terrier / Mixed (short coat)
adoptable Dog in tulsa, OK named ISAIAH
Male Dog for adoption
Breed: Pit Bull Terrier / Mixed (short coat)
adoptable Dog in tulsa, OK named JEN
Female Dog for adoption
Breed: Pit Bull Terrier / Mixed (short coat)
adoptable Dog in tulsa, OK named JIMBO
Male Dog for adoption
Breed: Rottweiler / Mixed (short coat)
adoptable Dog in tulsa, OK named JUNE
Female Dog for adoption
Breed: Pit Bull Terrier (short coat)
adoptable Dog in tulsa, OK named KATIE
Female Dog for adoption
Breed: Greater Swiss Mountain Dog / Mixed (short coat)
adoptable Dog in tulsa, OK named KEANU
Male Dog for adoption
Breed: Pit Bull Terrier / Mixed (short coat)
adoptable Dog in tulsa, OK named KIMICHI
Female Dog for adoption
Breed: Pit Bull Terrier / Mixed (short coat)

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