Lost Dogs and Cats in Utah - Reunited with Family!

Thank you for sharing your heartwarming stories.

The story of "Honeydew" in Utah

Thank you ALL I really wouldn’t have gotten as far as I did without you guys I am so grateful. . . Thank you, IGNACIO who first seen my dogs following a man next to the McDonald’s on 12th street and his genuine concern for my dogs and him wishing he followed his gut telling him my dogs were not that mans, CHRISTINE I got as far as I did because of you writing me saying you found my baby on 30th and Washington Chevron and the info on the homeless lady who claimed Honey JUAREZ CHER who wrote me saying she seen some lady on 24th on a bike with my dog (which was actually me after I had just found Honey) and she would have went and looked had she not been at work SAMANTHA who wrote and said she seen me the lady on a bike on 24th with Honey and drove back around to find me, ISELA who seen my dog with the people who had her she tried to grab my dog but they wouldn’t let her she even went and grabbed her dad so they can go back and look and grab her but they couldn’t find them THANK YOU for caring enough to reach out and look for my baby, You guys are what this world needs more of. Also, Thank you to all the commenters who gave me possible location suggestions, prayers, and expressed sympathy. God bless you all. Both my dogs are my heart and I don’t think I’d ever see them again if it wasn’t for you.

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