Lost Dogs and Cats in Pennsylvania - Reunited with Family!

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The story of "Roxy" in Pennsylvania

She was found around 4:30pm today! Thank you this wonderful Oreland Pa community for coming together to find Roxy! A special thank you to all who posted, reposted, shared, liked, and looked for Roxy! I can’t put into words how much love was given our way over the past 24 hours!! Families taking extra walks, mail men & women looking on their routes, ups and ceded jumping in, cars stopping me to ask how they could help as I rode my bike, kids calling for Roxy as they were out playing with friends, the overwhelming love from Oreland makes me so happy to call this town HOME!!! Thank you to the Quill lane community for coming out last night to search the neighborhood in the cold and to continue into today!!! We love you all and can’t thank you enough!! 😍😍😍😍😍

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