Lost Dogs and Cats in Oregon - Reunited with Family!

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The story of "Remy" in Oregon

Our pet Goldendoodle, Remy, is back home in Silverton. A local farmer has 4 goat herd guard dogs. The dogs occasionally roam our neighborhood away from the goats . While Remy was out doing his nightly relief, they were apparently in the shadows, and he joined them as they went back into the woods to where the goats were eating brush. I put Flyers on neighboring mailboxes. The owner of the goats saw a flyer and recognized his extra guard dog and delivered him home. He is a little worse for wear after going back to his ancestral roots with the wild pack. Not used to having to glean for food and water. He most obviously prefers a bowl of each by the back door as he has been ferociously devouring them upon his return. A special thank you, to all of you that have shared in our efforts to "get him home".

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