Lost Dogs and Cats in Ohio - Reunited with Family!

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The story of "Hoss" in Ohio

Hoss was stolen from us on September 17th I couldn't figure out we're he was he wasn't spotted anywhere how could he just disappear I had a few false lead's and one man said he had him and we know that's not true he only wanted the reward money which he never did get so I figured don't look so hard and you'll find him so I slow down and cuz I drive myself crazy and then and 3 days ago I found him he was in a video with a lady walking him cuz she worked at the dog Worden place so I went on line to Trumbull County dog Warden and omg there he was I emailed the lady pictures and everything all the marks on him and she called me back and she said Shannon you can come down here and get your dog me and two other people agree this is your dog I start crying so yesterday we went down and when he came out that door and saw the dog was smiling I'm so happy and so is he I'm so grateful to have him home he's changed a lot he's a lot bigger 2 months is a long time and thank God he has certain marks on him because the white mark on his chest is wider and bigger what helps he has birthmarks on his side I'm just so happy to have him back still handsome as ever he was a hour away and missing for 2 months

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