Lost Dogs and Cats in North Carolina - Reunited with Family!

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The story of "Fizzick" in North Carolina

We lost Fizz when he escaped out a back door that wasn't closing properly. For three days, we combed the neighborhood over and over, even searching into the surrounding woods. We posted fliers, used social media, nothing. On Friday, I continued obsessively researching every strategy reported to have worked for owners whose kitty is a shy hider. After coming across a couple of vignettes where people were successful using security cameras to identify their pet's patterns, we decide to give it a try. The clock was ticking, and my desperation was almost unbearable. At this point, I had barely eaten, slept, or bathed since he went missing. Sure enough, the camera captured Fizz frantically circling the house in the wee hours of Saturday morning, but the notification that went to our phones through the app was so quiet we didn't hear it. I was elated to find out he was alive, but I was also extremely distressed to see that he had come so close and not made it in. We weren't quite prepared to leave the door open all night until we had data, because I had already seen the fire ants and found a spider of significant size roaming our bedroom after leaving a window open. We resolved to stay up all Saturday night if necessary in order to get him in. We set a trap by leaving food leading up through the door where he had escaped. We kept the lights dim in the room quiet, and we threaded a rope to the handle of the back door through windows screen on the patio so we could close it, the strapping him inside in case he bolted. While I napped, Ben did hear the notification this time and he looked up and there was Fizzick, headed straight for the food we had left on the floor -- he closed the door and that was it. Our darling boy was home. Other things I did that I think we're helpful was calling his name in a calm way at times of day when we would normally be doing things together, like having our supper or getting a rub down. We left a pretty ripe litter box out on the back patio, along with some well-used articles of our clothing and some of his favorite catnip toys. I also used my Bose speaker at dusk before we settled in Saturday, through played a lot of videos I had of him and I had in conversations, him playing with favorite noisy toys, etc. I also stood on the back porch and I talked to him about everything we were going to do when he got home. In the end, he returned much earlier than we expected, walking through the door at 11 PM.

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