Lost Dogs and Cats in New York - Reunited with Family!

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The story of "Butters" in New York

THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who reached out, commented on the Paw Boost Facebook and other local lost and found posts, and kept an eye out for any possible news on Butters. He is now home SAFE! After many emotions and calls, Syracuse Dog Control confirmed there was a dog matching Butters' description and behavior in the compost pile near I690 and Peat St--they had been trying to catch him all morning but were unable. He was shaken, filthy, exhausted, dehydrated and hungry, but most of all surprised and relieved to see me and came over immediately. He did not have his collar and tags. He has since gotten 2 baths, a meal, and so many kisses, hugs and belly rubs. Given the distance he was found from where we live, and what I heard outside my window a few minutes after I let him out, I know he was at least intentionally scared off by someone who should not have been in the yard.

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