Lost Dog in La Place, LA, 70068
Female, Last Seen: 02 September 2022


  • Name: Sage
  • Status: Lost
  • Address Last Seen: I-55 Ruddock Exit
    La Place, LA, 70068
  • Date Last Seen: 02 September 2022
  • Gender: Female
  • ID: 145070

About this Lost Dog

Sage is Rhodesian Ridgeback/great dane mix. She is microchipped and Has a collar and tags on. She was involved in a wreck with her dad and brother. After being freed from the truck she escaped her harness and ran down the interstate. The last report of a sighting of her was a passerby that tried to corner her to grab her and she bolted. She is super friendly and loves people but was so frightened she ran. 9/5/22 update from grandma Good morning friends! This is Michele again. Here’s the latest on Sage. Nothing has been found. We have Cajun Navy looking. We have people on the ground looking, in boats looking. We’ve followed all advice. Nothing. We’ve received tips from mediums and animal communicators. The consensus is that she is alive, however she is in swamp, close to water. They see a broken down camp/house/stable/barn near her. They said she swam further than we think and we are trying to broaden our search. We are searching from Manchac to LaPlace and broadening outward as far as we can. Here’s the kicker…Safe was reportedly cornered by a lady in a dark SUV that morning about a mile or so from the accident at MM 10-9. However, we’ve gotten NO REPORTS OR TIPS from this lady. We don’t know if she saw where she fell, what direction she swam in, did she look hurt? IF ANYONE KNOWS THIS LADY INNTHE DARK SUV WHO TRIED TO HELP, PLEASE PLEASE HAVE HER CONTACT US!!!!!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻. We need HER help! We want to thank her for trying, but we need to know more!!! We also NEED DRONES! They can access what we can’t!! God bless you all for your tips, advice, efforts and most of all prayers! We NEED HER HOME, ONE WAY OR ANOTHER! PLEASE!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻💔💔😭😭

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