Lost Dogs and Cats in Illinois - Reunited with Family!

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The story of "Piper" in Illinois

Piper was found this afternoon after being missing for 48 hours! I was doing my hourly rounds in our yard, calling for her, when I stumbled across my neighbor's cat meowing on the other side of the fence (has never approached me before). So I gave him some pets and love and went on my way. But then he started crying out again and walked over into the neighbor's yard when I felt this gut feeling that he was taking me to Piper. That gut feeling was dead on! The moment I walked towards him, I heard Piper's little cries coming from under my neighbor's deck, her head popping out from under the grill cover. I ugly cried. She's a little shaken up understandably, but home safe and being showered with love :) Thanks for everyone's messages.

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