Lost Dogs and Cats in California - Reunited with Family!

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The story of "Millie" in California

Sweet Millie is HOME! We are so grateful to all of those people who reported sightings of Millie - these reports were critical in tracking Millie's movements around town. We are especially grateful to DeAnn Wren, a highly specialized, experienced humane trapper. She was instrumental in educating us about tracking and humane trapping of lost pets like Millie who are in full "flight mode". We are so grateful to DeAnn for her time and talents to track Millie and strategize ways to rescue her! We are grateful to Christina Sullivan for her phone/camera support and for answering my many questions about animal behavior. We have learned SO much over the last week because of them. Because of them, I feel inspired to help others who lose their beloved pets. I'm especially grateful to my sweet husband for his patience, kindness, and engagement in searching for Millie. She is particularly bonded to him. Above all, I am grateful to to God for hearing my many prayers. It's because of Him that I was led to the specific area where she was, which was outside our main focus. I know not all prayers are answered immediately nor in the way we always want, but I do know that He hears us always.

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