Lost Dogs and Cats in California - Reunited with Family!

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The story of "Darby" in California

Thank you for all the support and positive thoughts! Darby found his way home after being gone for 5 days & 5 nights. He is an indoor cat with no outdoor experience and we’ve only been living at our home for 2.5 months. For those who are missing their cat, have faith in their ability to find their way back to you. I didn’t stop canvassing, I called out his name regardless of what people might think, shook his bag of treats while walking. I kept putting up flyers and responded to every possible sighting. I kept putting food outside- it wasn’t until the end of the fourth day that his food bowl looked to have been touched. I also put his litter box outside as well as a sweater that had my scent on it. I hope my experience gives someone who has found themselves in the same situation hope. I know how it starts to dwindle, but stay strong. All the best-

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