Lost Dogs and Cats in California - Reunited with Family!

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The story of "Berry" in California

May 18th @9pm Our Berry Boi came home!!!! He survived the wild with dogs in every yard!!! His amputation site is sealed up. Just a little pink with infection. I put him back on his antibiotics and pain meds. We're calling his vet in a few hours and getting him checked out. Even though he's skinnier than when he came up missing he's playful and super loving and sweet. He's running, jumping and hopping like a champ. We think he left to nurse himself back to health. We also think he was getting food and water from the bowls on our porch. We feed a neighborhood kitty. Nathan was so relieved he started crying and collapsed on the floor. We're all so thrilled and thankful and grateful and exited he's home!

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