Lost Dogs and Cats in Arkansas - Reunited with Family!

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The story of "Scout" in Arkansas

REUNITED/FOUND Hey everyone! I just wanted to say thank you for all the help and positivity. It really meant a lot and it’s great knowing there are still some amazing people in the world despite all the craziness. She was squatting at an empty home about a mile away that had a dog house. The place is for sale and an awesome real estate agent found her and gave me a call. My dad went and got her because he was closer to her. She hid her head under his arm the entire way back then when she got back she ran towards the shop because that’s where her sister and I were last time she saw us. We fed her and she didn’t seem overly hungry. When her and her sister saw eachother, they roughhoused for about 15 minutes and now they are all tuckered out! We don’t know why she ran off whether something spooked her or she was chasing something (running off is very unlike her) but we are just glad she is back home and unharmed. Now I get to find all the posts I made and call all the vets and shelters and update them! But that is a way better problem to have than having Scout gone! And once again, thanks everyone!!

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