Dog and Cat adoption in Charlottesville, Virginia

adoptable Dog in charlottesville, VA named Sunshine and Vanessa
Female Dog for adoption
Breed: Dachshund (long coat)
Sunshine (12 yo) and Vanessa (14 yo) are a bonded pair. Vanessa is tiny and just wants a lap. Sunshine is a ...
adoptable Dog in charlottesville, VA named Tom and Jerry
Male Dog for adoption
Breed: Chihuahua (short coat)
Tom is on the left and Jerry is on the right in the picture.  Tom is the more outgoing ...
adoptable Cat in charlottesville, VA named Wendy
Female Cat for adoption
Breed: Domestic Short Hair / Mixed (short coat)
Wendy, a petite tabby-and-white stray, was living a tough life, out on the streets of Staunton on her own. She ...

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