Dog and Cat adoption in Sparta, Tennessee

adoptable Dog in sparta, TN named Shelby
Female Dog for adoption
Breed: Australian Shepherd / Mixed (long coat)
Shelby - Available for Rescue or Adoption 03/11/2024 Female, 1-2 Years Old, 40 Pounds, Australian Shepherd Mix
adoptable Dog in sparta, TN named Tank
Male Dog for adoption
Breed: Labrador Retriever / Mixed (medium coat)
Tank - Available for Rescue or Adoption 11/20/2023 Male, 2-3 Years Old, 60 Pounds, Lab Mix
adoptable Dog in sparta, TN named Ziva
Female Dog for adoption
Breed: Labrador Retriever / Black Mouth Cur / Mixed (medium coat)
Ziva - Available for Rescue or Adoption 09/19/2022 Female(S), 10-12 Years Old, 50 Pounds, Lab/Black Mouth Cur Mix

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