Dog adoption in Elgin, TX, 78621
Plott hound Dog


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Best of luck! We hope that you have a positive experience and that we’ve been able to help make an important connection that will help a pet in need.

  • Name: Crusio
  • Status: no longer up for adoption
  • Breed: Plott Hound
  • Gender: Male
  • Size: medium
  • Location: Elgin, TX 78621

About this Dog

Need to rehome to dogs together CRUSIO- Brindle and black male 4 years DOB 02-21-2020 Neutered Dominate over Annie Takes care of her when she is scared or sad. Barks to be let inside after using the bathroom. If told to get Annie, he will run to her and tell her to come inside. When excited or in trouble shows his teeth. Looks scary and dorky at the same time. He will also show his teeth when being told. “Let me see that smile” It is all very innocent. Protective over women and children.(Example) Will get between a child and man and jump on the man to push him back. Pretty much as far as it goes. Can talk using basic buttons. Can be food aggressive, he's fine as long as someone corrects him or food bowls are not placed together. Will get sad if toy box is closed for too long Likes the parts of his toys he takes off, like arms or legs. So don't throw them out. Does not like being grabbed at. Hates wearing puppy cologne. Has a harder time getting into cars but it's not too bad. If you let him sleep in the bed, he spreads out and will push you with his feet to get comfortable. Once he starts sleeping he hates getting disturbed. He will whine if you try to wake him. Absolutely hates getting into trouble. Not as great on a leash as Annie. Will take his own toys out of the toy box only when it's open. Of he asks for something and gets turned down, he will wait on his bed and send Annie to try. Annie- Brindle female 5 years DOB 09-01-2018 Spayed I think has a microchip But it was never set up. very Submissive. Extremely sensitive, can fall into depression if she gets into trouble. Likes to tear up napkins that fall on the floor. Loves to take the squeaker out of her toys. Doesn't really like to take toys out of the toy box herself, so she may need to be handed toys sometimes. Likes to solve puzzles that have treats inside. Does not like using the buttons to talk. Has begging and puppy eyes down to a T. Will paw at your legs to get your attention or ask for something. Sometimes has to basically have her hand held when going into the back yard to go potty. She started this after a move to a new place. Sometimes Likes to stay outside to sun bathe and will refuse to come in. Scratches at the door to be let inside If told to stay out of a specific area because of cooking or working with tools. She will keep trying to sneak back, so she will need a more stern approach. Likes to sleep on the bed like a human. Loves to cuddle. If you try to kiss her she will stay still and let you kiss her on the nose without licking you. Both Dogs- Dad is full plott hound Mom is half plott and half red healer Both Dogs have plott hound personalities. Both Dogs came from a man in in the mountains of Austin. We suspect he fed them tortillas and beer. They will try to steal beer and tortillas and have had this behavior since we got them. Received Annie at about 6 weeks. This man called a year later and offered another puppy to us. Received Crusio at 6 weeks as well. Same parents from different litters Never been apart Scared of thunder bad. Annie will shake pretty bad. All they want is to be next to you and they calm down a lot. Natural hunters, Crusio used to bring us wild rabbits as a gift. Annie will step on spiders when she finds them. Always needs to be given the same toy when giving a new one or Annie gets sad Vibrant life and trusty pup toy brands are their favorite. Both prefer tough plush type toys They know All treats and snacks to be called “Cookies”. Great With cats, kids, small dogs, birds. Big dogs seem to scare them and they don't react well. They are both very sensitive and small things can make them sad. To fix that they just need extra attention They hate laying down On cold floors. Usually listen when told not to do something the first time. They both would do well with a family or single person They do need someone to be an Alpha and direct them. They know tons of english and Spanish words. You can use full sentences with them and they will understand. They are free roam in the house and never get into anything when we are gone unless they find something on the floor they have never seen before. Tricks: Stay, come, go, sit. Lay down, give me some paw, other paw, be quiet, go get it, bring it here, drop it, catch it, (while sitting and holding something high like a treat) up up. Things they can understand: where's Annie, where's Crusio, outside, inside, go potty, hurry up, wanna go potty, wanna go outside, time for bed, go lay down, get out of the kitchen, stop it, want a cookie, get your booties out of here, what do you think your doing, what did I say, who did this? Was it you crusio?(they will tell on eachother),don't you dare touch this, do not get up again, that's enough, (if telling them to get into a kennel) go to your room or get in the cage, give me a kiss, Aww poor babies, wanna cuddle, want to play, good boy, good girl. Tons more and pretty much knows the same things in Spanish. Alternative names Crusio: Cruciatus when in trouble Sweet baby crusio Baby crusiatus Annie: Nannys am Sweeties baby Nanny Poo nanny Nanern Poo Nanern

Contribute to Crusio's Dogecoin Stash!

100% of Crusio's Dogecoin balance will be sent to whoever adopts Crusio.

Adopt Crusio and Receive Dogecoin

Adopting a pet can be expensive, and we're trying to help by fundraising for each individual in need of adoption. After verifying the adoption, Crusio's new family will receive the funds that their pet has raised. Dogecoin is digital currency that can be exchanged for cash, traded, or held as an investment (see the "What is Dogecoin" section below).

16 DOGE is Crusio's current Dogecoin balance

Contributions (1)


NK contributed to Crusio
18 days ago


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How will Crusio receive the Dogecoin?

The adopting family is the only party eligible to receive the Dogecoin. If you adopted the Crusio, thank you for providing a home and a loving family! Please begin the process of claiming Crusio's Dogecoin here.

For adoptions in which was the matchmaker and we have contact information for both parties, we make every effort to contact the adopting family. For adoptions that were not facilitated by, we still encourage the adopting family to claim the Dogecoin by submitting the necessary information.

The adopting family is the only party eligible to receive the Dogecoin. The adopting family will be required to provide proof of adoption between 4-6 weeks after adoption. This is to ensure that the home is a good match and Crusio was not returned. After we have verified the adoption, Crusio’s Dogecoin balance will be sent to the adopting family. Our staff provides instructions and help throughout this process.

What is Dogecoin?

"The fun and friendly internet currency."
Dogecoin sets itself apart from other digital currencies with an amazing, vibrant community made up of friendly folks just like you. Dogecoin is a decentralized, peer-to-peer digital currency that enables you to easily send money online.
Learn more about it on youtube or at

What happens to unclaimed funds?

We want the Crusio’s balance to go to the adopting family as a way to say thank you for providing a loving home and to help with pet care expenses. In the unfortunate event we cannot contact them and verify the adoption, Crusio’s balance will remain in our general Dogecoin fund. This fund may be used to match contributions made to other adoptable pets, incentify other adoption-related actions, promote our mission, or support the operating expenses of If you would like to make a direct contribution to to help us help other pets in need, you can go here. We appreciate your generosity and help!

Contribute to Crusio's Dogecoin Stash!

100% of Crusio's Dogecoin balance will be sent to whoever adopts Crusio.